Custom Columns and Units
Add additional columns to Modules (also called “Custom Fields” or “Custom Columns”)
The Requirements and Systems Portal already offers a great variety of columns to describe your Requirements. However, if your use-case requires a specific column with a specific name, you can add additional columns called “Custom Fields”.
Admins can create these “Custom Fields” under Settings > Custom Fields (refer to the image Custom fields within the settings menu).

Once selecting “Add custom field“ in the upper right-hand corner you will be presented with the following window.

Let us look at each field:
Name - The name of the column that will appear as a header in the table.
Projects - The Project(s) where the Custom Field can be used (can be in multiple).
Requirements - A custom field in the Requirements Module is created
Test Runs - A custom field in the Test Runs is created
Activity - A custom field in the Activity is created
Activity Run - A custom field in the Activity Run is created
Field Type
Text - Rich Text field column
Select - Single select from a dropdown menu
Multi Select - Multi-select from a dropdown menu
Number - Only allows numeric entries to the column
When selecting “Select“ or “Multi Select, “ you will be prompted to define the individual options from which to choose in the dropdown menu.
Once all of this is done hit “Save“ and navigate to the Module where you defined the Custom Field and verify if it was created correctly.
Define Custom Units
The calculation engine of the Requirements and Systems Portal already comes with a well defined set of units, which are clearly defined by the employed Pint Library.
However, there might be a situation where very specific units need to be defined that are not yet handled by the calculation engine. A specific use-case would be a currency with a specific conversion.
Admins can define these custom units in the Settings under “Custom Units“.

By clicking on “Add custom unit“ the user can define a new custom unit that will be added to the list. The list already gives an idea of the syntax to be used for the definition.
A custom unit must always be defined based on an already existing unit, for instance:
apple = 0.5 kg = ap
This entry creates a unit called “apple“ which converts to half a kilogram. With this entry the calculation engine will recognize “apple“ and “app“ as units that can be used for Valis.