
In the rare case that calculations are not propagating through your projects, the Requirements and Systems Portal allows admins to run a recalculation of all the values within a project using the “Run Recalculation” button.

To run a recalculation of a project:

Click on the settings symbol in the lower left-hand corner of the screen (see Figure Recalculations). Navigate to the “Recalculate” button and specify whether you want to run a recalculation for just the current project or all projects within the deployment. You can also recalculate the Count Graphs of the Verified Requirements displayed in the Analysis Module.


image-20240320-114636.pngRecalculations - If necessary the whole project or all projects can be recalculated.

You will then receive a notification when the calculation is completed.

If you find an issue, select the text/image and pressCtrl + Enterto send us your feedback.

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