
Learn more about the SimScale/Requirements and Systems Portal integration by:
Watching our webinar on-demand: A Simple AI & CFD Workflow for EV Battery Pack Cooling Design
Visiting our integration page: SimScale-RSP Integration
The following documentation provides an overview of the script-based integration between the Requirements and Systems Portal and SimScale, as outlined in the SimScale-RSP API GitHub repository.
Short Description
This repository hosts the API Python scripts used for the joint webinar, demonstrating how to integrate SimScale simulations with Requirements and Systems Portal projects.
Available Files and Workflow
Two example script files are provided in the repository:
1. Simulation Setup Script
Script Name:
Import relevant SimScale and Requirements and Systems Portal libraries.
Read Valis from your Requirements and Systems Portal project and pass them to SimScale.
Read, edit, and create new specifications for a Conjugate Heat Transfer analysis in SimScale.
Start a new simulation in SimScale via the API.
2. Post-Processing Script
Script Name:
Import the relevant post-processing SimScale libraries.
Retrieve simulation results such as plots, 3D fields, screenshots, etc.
Feed the simulation results back to Requirements and Systems Portal by updating the Valis.
Update an Analysis Report in the Requirements and Systems Portal with new screenshots.
Sample Project
A sample project where these scripts can be applied is available here.
The provided scripts can be used as quick templates. For creating a scripted SimScale-Requirements and Systems Portal workflow tailored to your applications, please contact us.
See how design changes influence your product behavior.
Updating any Requirements and Systems Portal field seamlessly pushes a new simulation to SimScale and results are rapidly fed back, leveraging SimScale’s cloud computing.
Build automated simulation reports and go/no-go requirements matrices to understand your system’s behavior.
Enable your design teams to gain a rapid understanding of design changes by performing high-fidelity SimScale simulations in the background with a push of a button.
SimScale Professional license
SimScale API key
Requirements and Systems Portal license
For more information and access to the scripts, visit the GitHub repository or contact SimScale or Altium for support (Altium Support Page).