Fan Tutorial 1 - Specify Product - Part 2
(4) Update, Manage and Review Requirements
Throughout the development process, it's common for requirements to evolve and be updated based on various factors, such as stakeholder input and design constraints. In the Requirements and Systems Portal, you can directly update requirements by double-clicking on the column fields or within the details section of the requirement, and all changes are recorded in the History for easy reference. Note that any change increases the requirement by one or more minor versions (please check Version and Releases for more information).
Collaboration and reviews are crucial to ensure the requirements are thoroughly discussed and evaluated. The Requirements and Systems Portal offers powerful features like discussions, Tasks, and the review center to facilitate these crucial steps.
In the following steps, we will demonstrate how you can effectively utilize discussions to engage in meaningful conversations with your groups or colleagues, fostering collaboration and ensuring the best possible outcome for your project.
Creating Discussions on a requirement
To create a discussion on the requirement R-Fan-002
, follow these steps:
on the Actions columns, hover over to
+ Add
, and select :discussion:Discussion
. -
Upon clicking the icon, a dialogue box opens. Here, type
@, and you will have the list of users in the dropdown. Select any user and copy and paste the following question: Is it feasible to have propellers for 50g, or do we need more mass allocation?
Click on
and thenClose.
The steps to raise a discussion are illustrated in the tutorial below.
Creating a new discussion
(5) Validating Requirements
In the early stages of the product lifecycle, it is crucial to validate Requirements before moving forward with the design process. The Requirements and Systems Portal provides a convenient way to manage Requirement states using the “State” column. By default, states like “Draft”, “In Review”, and “Final” are included, but users can add additional states based on their specific needs.
The following steps will show you how to assign the "Draft" state to newly added requirements, ensuring a structured and organized workflow.
Navigate over to the Fan_Specs
On the side, click
(1) in the right corner and tickState
(2) if it is not selected. This action enables or disables the state column in your Requirements table (see Figure Enable State Column).

Tick the small rectangular box on the top left of the Identifier column. This selects all the requirements within the specification.
Now, hover over to the state column and double-click on the first cell of the
state column. This will open a drop-down with the “State” options list. -
and clickYes
on the confirmation dialogue box. This bulk edit adds the “Draft” state to all the Requirements.
These steps are illustrated in the click-through below.
Adding the “State” Attribute information
(6) Create an Analysis/Documentation
As an engineer, you might have to create an Analysis to leverage your engineering data and document the properties of your design. You can use our inbuilt Analyses module for this.
Add a descriptive Analysis.
Go to the Analyses Module (see Figure Accessing the Analysis Module) by clicking the
button (1) in the left sidebar. -
Create a new analysis by clicking on
+ Documents

In the Create document dialogue box (see Figure Creating a Project Summary), name the analysis as
(1) and clickCreate

The analysis consists of blocks, which can be texts, images, videos, charts, or tables. Click inside the existing block
1. Write heading...
and typeIntroduction
Click on the second
block and copy and paste the following sentence into it:
“The ValiFan is designed in a way that it works with less power than conventional Fans.”
Once completed, you can click outside of the block to save the content (see Figure Adding Information to the Document).
The users can click on
Click to add new block
to add additional blocks that can be of different types (text, images, tables or charts). This will be explored in the next steps.

Creating a Table of Requirements - Stakeholder specifications
You can create a table of requirements from the stakeholder specifications. To create a table:
Select the
Click to add new block
Select the option
on the popup dialogue box. Here, chooseRequirements
Now, a table with all the project’s requirements is created. Also, you can select the list of columns you would like to have in the tables. Since our aim is to show only the Requirements from the “stakeholder_requirements” Specification, you can use the filter option for the specification. This is demonstrated in the following tutorial.
Adding “stakeholders_requirements” to our analysis
Sharing the Analysis Module
You can share the created Analysis with your colleagues or stakeholders through the option “Share”. To do that:
Click on the three vertical dots in the upper right-hand corner
Select the option
from the dropdown menu

Select any user from the drop-down and click on
Create new link
(1). This creates a new link which you can copy and share with your colleagues or stakeholders(2).
Check out Figure Creating a Link to see how this is done.

Next Steps?
Congratulations! You now know how to specify a product in the Requirements and Systems Portal.
Look at our Fan Tutorial 2 to learn how to create a System structure of your Desktop fan with the “System Design Module”.