Verification & Validation Module
The Verifications and Validations (V&V) module is a new addition (since May 2024) to Requirements and Systems Portal designed to enhance the efficiency of managing verification activities within the platform. This module consolidates the functionality previously spread across the requirements and test modules, offering a centralized location for all verification and validation efforts.
Key Features:
Centralized Management: The V&V module provides a single interface for creating, organizing, and tracking verification activities, simplifying the process and reducing the need to navigate multiple modules.
Integrated Approach: By merging aspects of the requirements and test modules, the V&V module facilitates a more cohesive workflow, allowing for a seamless transition between defining requirements and executing verifications.
Verification and Validation (V&V): A comprehensive framework for guiding and documenting the engineering cycle, ensuring quality, reliability, and compliance of systems or Blocks.
V&V Activity: A structured task designed to verify or validate a system or Blocks, comprising various steps and iterations known as "runs."
V&V Item: A link between a specific requirement/Block and its corresponding verification or validation activity, ensuring traceability and alignment within the engineering lifecycle.
Steps: Individual stages within an activity or run, breaking down the process into smaller, manageable Blocks with specific purposes.
Runs: Instances or iterations of an activity, representing the execution of the activity and providing a record of the process, results, and observations.
Methods: Specific approaches or techniques employed within activities to carry out the verification and validation processes.
Activation and Usage of the Verifications and Validations (V&V) Module
For New Deployments: The V&V module is enabled by default in specific deployments, allowing users to leverage its features immediately for streamlined verification and validation processes.
For Existing Deployments with VMs and test procedures: To ensure a smooth transition and data integrity, the V&V module is not automatically activated for deployments currently using Verification Methods(VMs) and test procedures. A data migration process is required before the V&V module can be fully utilized to ensure compatibility and functionality.
Testing the V&V Module: If you're interested in exploring the capabilities of the new V&V module, we encourage testing within a new project environment. This can be done by enabling the beta feature flag, which allows access to the module without affecting existing workflows or data. The V&V module is wholly isolated from the old verification fields.
Please refer to the subsequent sections of this documentation for detailed instructions on activating the beta flag and initiating a test project.
How to activate/deactivate it?
The verification and validation module will be released as a beta feature, which can be turned on in Settings> “Beta features” > “Enable new V&V Module.” The admins must activate the beta feature to see this option.