Will projects uploaded to Altium 365 become publicly available to everyone? Who has access to my IP (intellectual property) if I upload it to Altium 365?
  • 12 Oct 2021
  • 1 Minute to read

Will projects uploaded to Altium 365 become publicly available to everyone? Who has access to my IP (intellectual property) if I upload it to Altium 365?

Article summary

Your Altium 365 workspace is secure and private by design. The owner and designated users with administrative rights are the only people who have full access to the data stored in the workspace. Anyone else (including Altium employees) can gain access only by explicit invitation from the workspace owner and administrators, who have granular control of what each invited member can do (view, edit, download, etc.). Access privileges can be revoked at any time.

Your organization administrators (users who manage Altium licenses in your company) will be able to see the complete list of workspaces created by all users in your organization. The organization administrators can deactivate a workspace and change the owner of the workspace.

Over 2,000 companies of all sizes already store their PCB designs and libraries on Altium 365.

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