Design Review
Accelerate reviews, track feedback in real-time, and prevent errors for higher-quality products.
Faster Reviews and Better Traceability
No more time wasted figuring out who hasn’t provided feedback. The status tracker gives you real-time visibility into which reviewers have given input and what still needs attention, making it easy to track progress and prepare for audits.
Higher Quality Products
No more missed feedback. Capture 100% of stakeholder input and ensure it’s addressed, reducing the risk of last-minute redesigns, production errors, and costly product recalls.
Key Capabilities
Design Review Workflow
Define exactly how your design review process should run with a diagram-based customizable workflow. You can specify the order of operations, task ownership, and approval chain. With complete visibility of where in the review process each project is at, you can plan your projects and resources with efficiency.
Trusted by World-class
Brands and Startups Alike
“Altium 365 stands out above competitors with a complete sharing solution for others without having to install anything. Ideal for design review or customer demonstrations during the meetings.”
“Altium 365 was a real necessity for us because I’m one of several engineers using the tool. Cloud functionality has been very helpful for us working together as a team. We collaborate on projects and conduct all of our design reviews using the platform.”
“Because we can include screenshots in the comments in Altium 365, all the information is collected during the product development and attached to the final official design review document. So the work is not done twice.“