Working with Requirements in Altium 365

The Requirements and Systems Portal is an advanced engineering management application used to ensure specification and performance compliance during system design development. When enabled for your Workspace, the Requirements and Systems Portal integrates with your design projects through the exchange of design data and formalized Requirements instances.


The complete documentation for the Requirements & System Portal application is currently available here. Links into applicable parts of that documentation are provided in this document, where necessary, as part of basic setup.

The system Requirements, as created in the Requirements and Systems Portal, can be placed as active instances on your design documents, referenced as Tasks, and ultimately marked as Verified to confirm requirement compliance.

Before working with Requirements in a Workspace design project, it needs to be linked to a suitable Block in the Requirements and Systems Portal application – 'Blocks' are parts of the overall System Design, such as a PCB module, within a portal Project. In turn, Requirements linked to this Block become accessible in the Altium 365 Workspace.

You can access the Requirements and Systems Portal interface from your Workspace by selecting its entry from the ‘nine dots’ menu () at the top of the Workspace interface (see example), or from the button when the Portal’s entry is opened in the Workspace Admin – Apps page.

Portal Block to Design Project Link

When the various Requirements and Systems Portal elements have been set up for your design project (see the above collapsible section), its Requirements will be available in the Workspace design view when the project has been linked to the Portal’s related System Design Block. This link can be specified within the portal's Block itself, as outlined in the section above, or set from the Workspace project’s Edit Project window by choosing the appropriate System Design Block in the window's Requirements section.

Javascript ID: RLink

Note that a Workspace Project to a Portal Block link also can be established by a Workspace administrator in the Requirements and System Portal application instance in the Admin - Apps page.

Workspace Requirements Access

Within the linked project’s design view, the Portal's Requirements are available from the document view’s Requirements pane, opened from the upper icon. This lists all available Requirements, where a selected Requirements tile shows its information, a link to its instance in the Requirements and Systems Portal, and the Validation settings. Use the command to create a reference instance in the current document, and the command to create a general Task assigned to a specified Workspace member.

Placing a Requirement

A Requirement is placed in the current document using the same process as placing a Comment on a point, object (such as a component or line/trace), or a specified area – see Placing a Comment for detailed information. The Requirement Identifier link (Req-0001 here) in both the Requirements pane and requirement window opens that Requirement entry in the Requirements and Systems Portal, which will include a Design Reference link back to its placement in the Altium 365 Workspace.

Creating a Requirement Task

An actionable Workspace Task is created for a Requirement by selecting the entry's option in the Requirements pane, and then assigning a Workspace Member to the Task, entering a Task description and confirming with the button. Requirement tasks are accessed and progressed through the Web Viewer Tasks page.

Javascript ID: Task

A Workspace Task related to a selected Requirement is created from the button. The Task is assigned to a Workspace Member as a requested action.

The created Task is available in the Tasks page and not placed on the document. In the Requirements pane, use the Requirement tile's Assigned link to open the Tasks view. 

Tasks can be Commented on, reassigned to another User, set to a different Priority, and ultimately moved through to a Resolved status.

Note that a placed Requirement can be used to create an associate Task using its Convert to Task option. Both the placed Requirement instance and the created Task will be associated with the source Requirement as shown in the Requirements pane.

Javascript ID: Convert

Select the Convert to Task option from the window’s menu to create a Task from a placed requirement.

The refreshed view will show the associated Task in the placed Requirement window and also in the Requirements pane Assigned entry – both link to the created Task in the Workspace Tasks page.

In the Tasks page, the newly created Task is associated with the document where the converted Requirement is placed.

Design document(s) that contain a placed Requirement are identified in the Requirements and Systems Portal as Design References in each Requirement entry.

Verifying Requirements

The Verification state of a Requirement can be set from the verification menu item () available in its Requirements pane entry and the document requirement window. The menu offers the options defined by the Verification and Validation Activity associated with the Requirement in the Requirements and Systems Portal.

Javascript ID: Verify

Select a verification activity associated with the Requirement from the verification menu item () in the requirement window or Requirements pane. The menu label indicates the number of verifications completed from the number of verifications associated with the Requirement – here; 0 of 1.

Choose a status setting for the verification activity. Note that multiple activities can be associated with a Requirement, where each is presented with its own status menu options.  These are shown in the Requirements and Systems Portal entry as multiple V&V Activities.

The Requirement’s verification status is now set to 1 of 1 because the Verified option was selected. The Requirement entry in the Requirements and Systems Portal also will show this verified state.  Note that the verification will be locked from further changes if the Skipped option is selected.


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