AcquisitionManager_Dlg-AcquisitionDefaultsFormContent Cart Structure_AD
This document is no longer available beyond version 21. Information can now be found here: Cart Structure for version 25
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The Content Cart structure dialog
Summary Copy Link Copied
The Content Cart structure dialog provides controls to change the folder, lifecycle, item naming, revision scheme, and index properties for content types within the Content Cart.
Access Copy Link Copied
The dialog is accessed by clicking the Change Settings link in the Content Cart dialog (accessed by right-clicking on an Item in the Explorer panel from the source server, then selecting Add to Content Cart from the right-click menu).
Options/Controls Copy Link Copied
- Content Type - a list of the content types within the Content Cart.
- Folder - lists the Content Cart folder. Click in the field then use the
to open a dialog in which you can browse and select the desired folder.
- Lifecycle - lists the lifecycle of the content type. Use the drop-down arrow to access a list then choose from the following lifecycle options:
- Basic Lifecycle
- Component Lifecycle
- Simple Lifecycle With Approvals
- Simple Lifecycle
- Structured Lifecycle With Approvals
- Structured Lifecycle
- Extension Lifecycle
- Item Naming - lists the naming scheme of the content type. Use the drop-down arrow to access a list then choose from the following item naming options:
- SCH-(00000) - denotes symbol.
- SIM-(00000) - denotes simulation model.
- SCHDOT-(00000) - denotes schematic template.
- OUT-(00000) - denotes outputjob.
- PCL-(00000) - denotes part choice list.
- PRF-(00000) - denotes designer preferences.
- A3D-(00000) - denotes 3D model.
- SYM-(00000) - denotes symbol.
- PCC-(00000) - denotes PCB component.
- CMP-(00000) - denotes component.
- SCR-(00000) - denotes script.
- Revision Scheme - lists the revision scheme of the content type. Use the drop-down arrow to access a list then choose from the following revision scheme options:
- 1-Level Revision Scheme
- 2-Level Revision Scheme
- 3-Level Revision Scheme
- Component Revision Scheme
- Extension Scheme
- First Index - lists the index of the content type.
- Note - lists any notes pertinent to the content type.
- Defaults - click to set all areas in the grid to their default (original) values.