Home Role - Software Engineering

Software Engineering

I need to see the final schematic of the board to develop the software, but I am often
not informed of the hardware changes and am not certain if I have the latest revision.

Elevated Design Collaboration

Elevated Design Collaboration icon

Utilize our free web viewer for instant access to the latest schematics and components, eliminating the need to install ECAD software just to open a schematic file. The web viewer also removes data and collaboration silos with the electrical team, as everyone can add and monitor comments and tasks attached to individual components or design elements.

Git Version Control

Git Version Control icon

All the hardware design data is stored in one secure workspace, ensuring everyone has access to the latest information. The system is built with Git version control under the hood, eliminating undocumented changes to the design that might impact your software development and cause delays. Enjoy full traceability and transparency by knowing who made changes to the project, when, and why.

Detailed Component Library

Detailed Component Librarн icon

The components library is a valuable asset for software engineers. An up-to-date library will contain all component specifications and datasheets in one central location, eliminating the need to hunt around for the information you need. Component templates ensure standardized component creation, ensuring all the parameters you need are populated and at your fingertips.

Core Features of Altium 365

Web Viewer

Deliver higher quality products to market faster than your competitors with transparent design reviews and sharing. Share projects with team members, manufacturers, and even customers to review and mark up your designs without ever leaving your design space. Anyone can view, search, cross probe, and comment on your project from a web browser.

Cloud Storage & Hardware Version Control

All your libraries and design data are in one secure workspace with granular access control so everyone can access the right design data at the right time. The system is built with the Git version control system under the hood and optimized for hardware development. Enjoy full traceability and transparency by knowing who made changes to the project, when, and why. Quickly identify what changed with a visual diff designed specifically for hardware. Easily revert to previous versions if needed, and never wonder again whether the “v4_final2” is truly the final version.

Cloud Libraries

The components library is one of your most valuable design assets. Ensure its integrity and manage your components in one central and secure location so that everyone working on a board design can use the same set of validated components. Component templates standardize the component creation process, ensuring all the required parameters are populated. With defined component lifecycles, your team always knows which components can be used in a design and which ones are obsolete.