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MCAD CoDesigner

Ottimizza la collaborazione ECAD-MCAD con MCAD CoDesigner

Sincronizza facilmente il tuo progetto tra Altium Designer e i sistemi MCAD più diffusi. 
L'integrazione ECAD-MCAD accelera la progettazione multidisciplinare di prodotti elettronici con una perfetta collaborazione tra ingegneri meccanici ed elettrici.

Panoramica del quadro generale

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Dati di progettazione accurati ECAD e MCAD


Ridurre i disallineamenti e gli errori tra i progetti elettrici e meccanici. MCAD CoDesigner preserva l'accuratezza dei dati nativi trasferiti tra domini, garantendo che i progetti siano conformi ai vincoli del fattore di forma e ai requisiti di progettazione elettronica.

Collaborazione ECAD-MCAD migliorata


Progetta prodotti migliori e promuovi l'innovazione consentendo la condivisione bidirezionale dei dati di progettazione e le comunicazioni tra i team elettrici e meccanici. I progettisti ECAD e MCAD lavorano con gli strumenti preferiti, mentre MCAD CoDesigner condivide senza problemi dati e progetti tra gli ambienti.

Efficienza temporale


Riduci i ritardi e i colli di bottiglia nella progettazione durante l'esportazione, la condivisione e l'importazione di file CAD tra team. La perfetta collaborazione ECAD-MCAD riduce i tempi di sviluppo, riduce al minimo la rilavorazione dei progetti e accelera il time to market.

Principali capacità

Advanced Copper Geometry in MCAD

Give your mechanical designer all the data they need to perform detailed mechanical checks or FEA with advanced geometry support for extruded copper and via transfers.

ECAD-MCAD Rigid-Flex Synchronization

Design your electronics to meet the needs of today’s portable and flexible devices with rigid-flex support. Electronic designers can define rigid and flexible regions, before pushing their design to mechanical engineers for geometry modification and placement in the device assembly.

ECAD-MCAD Native Component Linkage

While Parasolid models might work well for some situations, native component models provide additional benefits. They allow engineers working in each domain (electrical and mechanical) to leverage the full capabilities of their specific software, ensuring accurate representation, data retention, and proper output generation during fabrication and BOMs creation.

MCAD-ECAD Enclosure Exchange

Enclosures can fail to fit together in the prototyping phase, and the PCB often contains restrictions based on the mechanical enclosure. Altium MCAD CoDesigner makes it easy to transfer a 3D enclosure model from the MCAD to Altium Designer.

Advanced History

The Altium MCAD CoDesigner panel displays the full history of accepted and rejected changes from both the electrical and mechanical sides. As soon as changes are applied or rejected by the mechanical engineer, you will see a notification in Altium Designer.

Strumenti MCAD supportati
e Matrice delle funzionalità

Un pannello integrato, visualizzato sia in Altium Designer che nel tuo ambiente CAD meccanico,
semplifica la collaborazione ECAD-MCAD consentendo agli ingegneri di apportare e rimuovere le modifiche
con un semplice clic del mouse. Non è necessaria nessuna conversione manuale e scambio di file.

PTC Creo® Parametric™
PTC Creo® Parametric
Autodesk Inventor®
Autodesk Inventor®
Autodesk Fusion 360®
Autodesk Fusion 360®

Scarica la matrice delle funzionalità di MCAD CoDesigner in formato PDF


App MCAD CoDesigner

Basic ECAD-MCAD Communication

Enable bi-directional communication between ECAD and MCAD domains, allowing changes to be reflected and updated on either side.

Learn more: Technical Doc | Video

Supported MCAD tools
SOLIDWORKS®, PTC Creo®, Autodesk Inventor®, Autodesk Fusion 360®
Supported MCAD tools
Siemens NX
Sync Keepouts and Rooms

Synchronize and update PCB keepout and room areas in both ECAD and MCAD environments.

Learn more: Technical Doc | Video

Advanced Copper Geometry

Create precise copper 3D models in MCAD (including vias and plated pad barrels) for FEA purposes, advanced mechanical checks, etc.

Available for SOLIDWORKS®, PTC Creo®, Autodesk Inventor®, Siemens NX

Learn more: Technical Doc | Video

Rigid-Flex Synchronization

Collaborate with mechanical engineers on the design of rigid-flex boards.

Available for SOLIDWORKS®, PTC Creo®

Learn more: Technical Doc | Video

MCAD-driven Component Placement

Place components in MCAD so that they are recognized in ECAD (available for SW, Creo, Inventor), or use the native MCAD components when transferring PCB from ECAD to MCAD.

Available for SOLIDWORKS®, PTC Creo®, Siemens NX

Learn more: Technical Doc | Video

Enclosure Exchange

Send a mechanical enclosure from MCAD to ECAD directly from your device assembly and simplify the design process in ECAD.

Learn more: Technical Doc | Video

Advanced History

View the detailed history of accepted and rejected changes between the electrical and mechanical teams, along with the rejection comments.

Learn more: Technical Doc | Video

Pull a Previous Revision

Ability to select which revision to Pull from a list of previous Pushes in MCAD.

Learn more: Technical Doc

Multiboard Assembly Synchronization

For Multiboard projects, synchronize the entire Multiboard Assembly (the full set of PCBs and the mechanical enclosure) at once and simplify checking the overall product layout in ECAD.

Learn more: Technical Doc | Video

Harness Design Synchronization

Supports transferring the Harness elements from ECAD to MCAD (connectors, wires, splices, connectivity, and harness topology) and MCAD to ECAD transfer of the physical lengths of wires, cables, and harness segments.

Learn more: Technical Doc | Video

Scarica la matrice delle funzionalità di MCAD CoDesigner in formato PDF

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