Altium 365 BOM Portal


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The Altium 365 BOM Portal application is an advanced tool for creating and managing Bill of Materials item listings for review and procurement purposes. Drawing on Altium's comprehensive manufacturer part and supplier data resources, the application augments imported BOM data with live, detailed parts availability information and qualitatively rated alternative part suggestions. Features are included for resolving issues in the BOM listing, determining your preferred supply chain options, including additional information, specifying the BOM Lifecycle state, and much more.

As an independent BOM analysis tool, the BOM Portal application allows Altium 365 users to perform design assessments and procurement data updates without requiring access to design-side software. The result is a fully ratified and up-to-date BOM document ready to be passed to the manufacturing stage.

See the BOM Portal page for related access information.

The BOM Portal features a manufacturer part data view (Main View) and a supplier solution data view (Supply Chain).

The BOM Portal also includes the ability to create, access and manage a Consolidated BOM. This is a procurement-orientated composite BOM formed by the inclusion of multiple Managed BOMs, and features additional functions to automatically (or manually) collate equivalent parts and fully manage order quantities.

See the Consolidated BOM page for detailed information.

Upload BOM or Create BOM from Project Copy Link Copied

When the BOM Portal application is enabled (see information on the Altium 365 BOM Portal page), BOM documents can be uploaded directly from within the Workspace Projects page using the BOM option in the New drop-down menu's Upload group. Browse to and select a suitable BOM file, enter/modify its details (and optionally its target storage folder) in the Upload BOM window, and then select to confirm. The interface accepts uploaded BOM listings in common CSV/XLS formats with minimal levels of included component part information such as Designator, Quantity, Manufacturer, and Manufacturer Part Number – manufacturer parts data beyond this basic level are also recognized and included.

A Managed BOM cannot be uploaded or created from a design if a Workspace Lifecycle definition is not available for the Managed BOM content type – in this situation, a related error message is displayed (), and the process is canceled. Note that by default, the Managed BOM Content Type is assigned to the Generic Lifecycle definition.

A Workspace administrator can assign the Managed BOM Content Type to the Generic Lifecycle definition, or another Lifecycle definition, through the Admin – Settings – Lifecycle Management page. To do so, open the lifecycle definition for editing, select the see all/change option, enable the Managed BOM entry in the Content Types window list, and click Save to confirm the change.

Upload a CSV/XML BOM data file into the Workspace as a project entity that is accessed through the BOM Portal.Upload a CSV/XML BOM data file into the Workspace as a project entity that is accessed through the BOM Portal.

An uploaded or created (see below) Managed BOM project will inherit the permissions of the folder it resides in, such as the root Projects folder or one of its sub-folders. See Managing Project Creation Permissions for more information.


Along with uploading an agnostic BOM file, BOM project entries can be created from an existing Workspace Project using the Create Managed BOM command. This is available in the Projects page from the main menu when a Project tile is selected, from a project tile’s own menu, or from the upper menu when the project is open in the Web Viewer.

In the Create Managed BOM window that follows, choose the desired design variant source (From Variant), and if required, edit the proposed Managed BOM's project document name (Name) and use the Change option to specify the BOM document's storage location (Parent Folder).

Create a new Managed BOM project entity from an existing design project using the Create Managed BOM command.Create a new Managed BOM project entity from an existing design project using the Create Managed BOM command.

As a multi-CAD environment, Altium 365 enables the BOM Portal to support a range of ECAD project formats – see the Altium Multi-CAD page for more information.

Managed BOM documents created from a Workspace project will include bidirectional navigation links with the source project:

  • When a BOM created from a Workspace Project is open in the BOM Portal (see the below sections for more information), you can directly open the project from which the BOM was derived by selecting the Source Project option from the menu.

Click the Source Project option to open the project that the BOM was derived from.Click the Source Project option to open the project that the BOM was derived from.

  • When a Workspace project is selected in the Projects page, any Managed BOMs created from that project will be listed under Child BOMs in the Properties pane. Click on an entry to open that BOM document in the BOM Portal. Two created BOMs are listed in the below example – one created from each project variant.

Direct open 'child' BOM documents that were derived from the selected project.Direct open 'child' BOM documents that were derived from the selected project.

BOM Status Columns

A Managed BOM created from a design Project (Create Managed BOM) will include additional BOM Status and BOM Status Details columns that reflect the BOM health status reported by the Project BOM itself – as derived from the source Project’s ActiveBOM document. These columns are available only when the source Project includes an ActiveBOM document, and provide a descriptive insight into any issues reported by the Project BOM. Note that this information is independent from the issue status deduced by Managed BOM itself, which is indicated by the status icon at the end of each BOM line.

Update a Project BOM

When a Managed BOM created from a project is opened in the BOM Portal, the system will automatically detect if the source project has been updated – a new revision has been released from Altium Designer. In this situation the notification banner includes options to immediately update the Managed BOM, or perform a source project BOM Comparison to inspect the detailed differences before performing the update.

Select the Compare Changes link to invoke the BOM Comparison between the current (new) and previous source project commit data.

See BOM Comparison in the Design Data Comparisons page for more information.

Select the Update BOM link to update the existing Managed BOM data to the new source project data.

The notification banner is triggered when the BOM data no longer matches that of the current source project release. Perform a data comparison to see the differences (Compare Changes) or use the Update BOM link to immediately update the Managed BOM to the new data.

The following update window provides the option to create a new Managed BOM revision for this update, or when the option is deselected, to simply update the existing revision’s data. The BOM Compare button allows you to invoke a BOM Comparison from this location, as mentioned above.

The updated BOM data will reflect the current state of the source project. Note that you can create (save) a BOM Release before and after an update to keep a tight track of BOM data iterations. See BOM Release Management.

Managed BOM Access Copy Link Copied

An uploaded/created Managed BOM document is added to the Projects listing along with your existing projects, and offers a similar set of management functions via the tile's menu, such as Share, Move, Edit and Delete (move to Trash). Select a BOM entry to view its details in the Properties pane on the right, which includes sections summarizing its metadata, shared status, computed BOM issues (errors/warnings), supply chain overview parameters, and revision IDs of the current BOM releases (click on an entry to open that release).

If your BOM Portal subscription or trial period has expired, the existing Managed BOM documents remain available in the Projects view as read-only entities. They can be opened for viewing only, however non-editing operations are still accessible – you can navigate to and view all data, place Comments, download packaged BOM files, etc.

Click on a BOM entry tile's name or select the Open option from the menu (or upper menu) to open the BOM document in the BOM Portal application. The BOM data is immediately analyzed for validity, its parametric data mapped (if required), the manufacturer part numbers matched to appropriate supplier parts, and any parts suitability issues logged as errors or warnings. See the following sections for detailed information.

You also can move a BOM document to a different folder location from within the Managed BOM view itself. To do so, select the Move option from the upper menu and choose a new location from the folder hierarchy in the Move <BOM name> to window.

Parameter Data Mapping Copy Link Copied

The BOM Portal interface provides both automated and manual mapping of the incoming BOM parameter item groups into standardized data columns such as Name, Designator, Description, and so on. Other common parameter names such as RefDes, Manufacturer, and Part Number are recognized and pre-mapped accordingly.

The system attempts to automatically map all parameters when the base Manufacturer and Manufacturer Part Number entries (or common variants of those names) are present in the BOM, and will otherwise invoke the manual mapping process. The parameter mapping process is performed through a Map Columns window – work through the mapping by choosing matching data columns (or skip those not present) as shown below.

If the mapping system detects alternative part references embedded in the imported BOM source, these will be incorporated automatically or when the related Alternatives dialog window is confirmed. Collapse/expand alternative parts rows with the ► button – see the last (video) slide below.

  • The BOM Portal's automated mapping capabilities extend to a degree of learning, where the parameter mapping of a previously imported BOM will be re-applied automatically if the system encounters the same parameter set, even if the original BOM file has been removed.

  • The minimum parameters required for successfully mapping an imported BOM are Designator, Quantity and Part Number.

  • Any blank Description or Manufacturer (MFR) parameters included in the imported BOM will be populated with data sourced by the BOM Portal.

  • If Description or Manufacturer parameter columns are not present in the imported BOM data they will not be included in the Managed BOM. However, these columns may be added later and the BOM remapped, allowing the Description and MFR data to auto-populate.

  • Target Price data will be included in the uploaded/created BOM if present in the source data. A BOM item’s Target Price entry will trigger a Target price missed BOM report warning (by default) if this figure is greater than the current supplier solution’s Unit Price. Target Price parameter entries can be edited, or individual (or all) entries forcibly set to the current solution’s Unit Price with the Set Target Price to Actual Price commands – available when the Target Price option is enabled in BOM Settings.

  • You can redo the BOM parameter mapping assignments at any time using the Remap option from the menu.

  • Managed BOM’s include data snapshots as static Releases, which are generated automatically when the BOM is first created or uploaded and then when the BOM data has been mapped. Further Releases can be generated at any time using the Release BOM option from the menu. See BOM Release Management for more information.

  • To remove access to the current BOM, select the Remove option from the menu. The BOM file will be moved to the Workspace Trash.

Sourced Manufacturer and Supplier Data Copy Link Copied

Main page: Manufacturer and Supplier Data

When the imported BOM data has been mapped, the system will analyze the component entries and source crucial parts information from Altium's enabled parts data sources. The sourced manufacturer and supplier data is provided in additional BOM columns, and includes manufacturer and procurement suitability information such as lifecycle and standards compliance, datasheet links, pricing, stock levels and lead time.

An item's current procurement solution is summarized (and editable) in the BOM's Order List entry, with full parts supplier data information available under the portal's Supply Chain view tab. Suppliers that are enabled as data sources is specified in the current BOM Settings, and those available for selection is defined through the Admin - Part Providers page.

SiliconExpert Data Integration

Main information: SiliconExpert Integration

SiliconExpert® Integration provides direct access to an additional set of advanced manufacturer parts data that is available to Managed BOMs and other BOM-related instances. The enhanced parametric data sourced from SiliconExpert populates Workspace BOMs as specific parameter columns (YTEOL, Inventory risk, etc).

The additional SiliconExpert parametric data is indicated by an associated  icon, and available when the Altium 365 SiliconExpert Integration feature is available and enabled.

Z2Data Integration

Main information: Z2Data Integration

Z2Data® Integration provides direct access to an additional set of advanced manufacturer parts data that is available to Managed BOMs and other BOM-related instances. The enhanced parametric data sourced from Z2Data populates Workspace BOMs as specific parameter columns (YTEOL, Z2Data Part Score, etc).

The additional Z2Data parametric data is indicated by an associated  icon, and available when the Altium 365 Z2Data Integration feature is available and enabled.

BOM Error Detection and Correction Copy Link Copied

Main page: Error Detection and Correction

A primary feature of the BOM Portal application is the automated detection of BOM item issues (BOM Analysis), and the functionality that allows you to correct those problems. A wide range of item issues are detected based on the sourced manufacturer and supplier data, such as invalid part numbers, deprecated or low-stock items, and non-compliant parts. Problems within the BOM item entries are also flagged, such as duplicated designators, mismatched component quantity entries, etc.

BOM issues can be addressed directly in the relevant line item or through the Issues tab view, which provides dedicated links to item lines with detected Errors and Warnings.

Issue Reporting and Management

Main information: Issue Management

The BOM Portal provides commands and options for controlling which the part issues are detected and how they are reported. These include the ability to configuration issue reporting (BOM Checks settings), disregard specific issues (right-click option), or all issues in a BOM row (Info pane).

Parametric Search

Main information: Parametric Search

While the BOM Portal will automatically source related manufacturer and supplier data for the Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) specified BOM line part, there will be situations where a different MPN-based part is required – as might be caused by a design change or issues with that part. The portal’s advanced Parametric Search provides an automated, data-centric interface for locating additional or alternative BOM parts, with component Part Choices, ratified Alternates and high-confidence Suggestions as prioritized source options.

Workspace Components Integration Copy Link Copied

Main page: Workspace Components Integration

Where possible, the BOM Portal will automatically link a BOM line item to a suitable part in the Workspace Components library. The link is determined by a detected match between the Item’s Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) entry and a component Part Choice entry, as indicated by the marker in the Info pane – the link itself is represented by the component Revision ID.

The interface allows this link to be disconnected and reconnected, changed to a different Part Choice entry or determined by a parameter other than MPN, such as an Internal Part Number (see below)

Out of Date Component Revision

Main information: Update Component Revision

In circumstances where a Component linked to a BOM item has been updated – there is a newer revision of the Item ID available – then this is detected by the BOM Portal (), which includes the option to update the item entry to the current revision.

Internal Part Number Linking

Main information: IPN Linking

Organizations that use a specific parameter for identifying parts in their company systems – typically a ‘key’ or ‘primary’ parameter – can configure the BOM Portal to use this parameter for BOM Item to Component linking. The parameter is specified and mapped as an Internal Part Number to become the BOM to component linking mechanism in place of the existing Item ID parameter (a subset of Revision ID).

Create Component From BOM

Main information: Create Component

BOM portal data Item entries that are not linked to a Workspace Component, such when no compatible Part Choice is available, can be used to generate a base component in the Workspace library. The part is created from parametric information provided through Altium component data services (Octopart, IHS, etc) and automatically linked to the BOM Item.

Configuration and Options Copy Link Copied

Main page: Configuration and Options

The BOM Portal interface provides options and features that allow you to set up and use the system to match your specific needs. These include configuring the sourced supplier data to your company's requirements, and working with the BOM listing in a manner that suits your processes.

BOM Settings

Main information: BOM Settings

The BOM Settings window, accessed from the upper menu, provides a wide range of configuration settings that apply to the current Managed BOM. These allow to to specify the available part suppliers, how part Issues are reported, the included listing columns and more.

For detailed information, see:

List View Features

Main information: List View Features

The Managed BOM parts listing provides additional functions, available through the icons at the top right, for managing the view, accessing and including additional information, and working with the final purchasable BOM. These include Commenting and also the Info Pane, which provides a rich set of library and manufacturer parts data.

List Structure Features

Main information: List Structure Features

The icons available at the top left of the BOM listing include options for working with the item grid entries. Along with column and row manipulation, the icon and right-click options also allow you to manage the data associated with individual items, such as Adding Alternate parts and Creating a Library Component.

BOM Management Features

A range of additional BOM management and process options are available from the upper x drop-down menu, such as the automated population of part alternates and additional part order quantities.

Amongst others, the features include:

BOM Dashboard Copy Link Copied

Select the BOM Portal's Dashboard tab to view a chart-based and statistical overview of the current BOM's suitability for production. Presented in a visually orientated form, the information includes chart/bar/bubble report summaries of manufacturer part viability and any supply chain issues. The Dashboard view offers a quick way to assess a BOM's current suitability and if corrections are required.

The BOM Portal's Dashboard view provides a rich set of graphical summaries that relate to the health (suitability) of the BOM for production manufacturing. Hover over the image to see the view when SiliconExpert data is enabled.The BOM Portal's Dashboard view provides a rich set of graphical summaries that relate to the health (suitability) of the BOM for production manufacturing. Hover over the image to see the view when SiliconExpert data is enabled.

The BOM Dashboard is divided into general sections that apply to the state of manufacture part and supplier sources:

  • BOM Health – a collected bar graph overview of the BOM components fitness for purpose. A 'healthy' BOM part is regarded as one that is RoHS/REACH standards compliant, has a valid Lifecycle state, has alternative part associations, is currently stocked by the supplier, and has a production lead time of less than two weeks. These factors are graphically represented in the main body of the Dashboard page as summarised below.
  • Manufacturability
    • Lifecycle States – The manufacturer Lifecycle states of the BOM parts, and by inference, their suitability for manufacturing the design.

    • Alternatives coverage – The numbers of alternative manufacturer parts available for BOM entries, delineated as none, one, or more than one (2+). These are Alternate BOM lines derived from the BOM upload, or those manually added. With the Global data option selected, the graph represents components with valid Suggested Alternatives (those with a Confidence level of 9 ).

    • Estimated Years To End Of Life (available when SiliconExpert Integration is enabled) – A bubble-style chart summarizing the projected longevity of manufacturer parts used in the Managed BOM, as based on SiliconExpert’s YTEOL parameter data. Each bubble dot in a part category row represents a group of parts with YTEOL values that fall into the range (in Years) indicated by its horizontal position. The size of the dot relates to the number of parts in the group, and its color acts as a coarse acceptability guide – for example, YTEOL values greater than 4 years can be regarded as acceptable.

  • Supply Chain
    • BOM Coverage – The percentage of component entries with valid supplier part solutions, and a graphic representation of how those solutions are distributed between the enabled part suppliers.
    • Availability – A graphic representing the number of BOM entries that have valid supplier part solutions (in stock), and therefore available from the enabled suppliers.
    • Factory Lead Time – A bubble chart summarizing the manufacturer production lead times for the BOM entries, delineated by component category type rows. In this format, each bubble dot represents a group of component parts with Factory Lead Times that fall into the range (in Weeks) indicated by its horizontal position. The size of the dot relates to the number of parts in the group, and its color acts as a coarse acceptability guide – a lead time of two weeks or less is regarded as desirable (green dots). This information is derived from the cloud-sourced Factory Lead Time parameter values.

  • Compliance
    • RoHS – The proportion of BOM components with cloud-sourced data that specifies compliance with the RoHS standard.

    • REACH – The proportion of BOM components with cloud-sourced data that specifies compliance with the REACH standard.

Interactive List Filters

All graphical elements in the Dashboard view act as selectable BOM list filters. Clicking on a Dashboard arc segment, bar graph or bubble chart dot will filter the associated BOM table entries to those that apply to the selection – for example, selecting a particular supplier arc in the Supply Chain graphic will restrict the BOM list to entries with purchasing solutions from that supplier. Click on the arc/bar/dot again to remove that list filter or deselect its Filter entry associated with the list, or click Reset Filters to move all applied filters.

The interactive filtering applies to all Manufacturability, Supply Chain and Compliance sub-elements, which provides a quick and simple method for viewing specific BOM line items based on their status data. The upper BOM Health area includes summary information, such as selectable Risk filters that tailor the BOM listing to a collated view of all manufacturer, procurement, or compliance issues.

See the Parts in Use page to view a list of component parts that are included in Workspace Managed BOM documents. Along with procurement-related parameters, the list includes Where Used data that identifies all Managed BOMs that reference a particular component. Note that this feature is not available with the BOM Editor.

BOM Release Management Copy Link Copied

To manage the progression of BOM changes and updates, the system provides a set of features to move a BOM through lifecycle states and formalized releases. You can release the working BOM at any time from the menu's Release BOM option.

The Release BOM window includes an editable release name, the pending (incremented) revision number, a notes field for adding release information, and the option of applying a BOM Template to the Release from the Templates drop-down menu. When a template has been included in the release, its downloaded version will be in Excel format (*.xlsx) with the template formatting applied () – the download is otherwise in plain CSV format.

BOM Templates are Excel-based files stored in the Workspace Managed Content – Templates folder and managed through Altium Designer’s Data Management – Templates page of the Preferences dialog. See Making an Excel-based BOM Template Available for Use.

The BOM Portal can be configured to prevent BOM Releases when a BOM Check part Error or Fatal Error is encountered. The related Prevent Release with issues option is enabled in the BOM Portal application instance accessible to Workspace administrators on the Admin – Apps page.

Release Naming

The Release Name field in the Release BOM window adopts the Managed BOM project name by default, which can be changed by directly editing the entry.

Workspace administrators can redefine this default naming by specifying an alternative name, or composite name, in the Releases section of the BOM Portal Application interface page. Its Default Release Name setting is initially [ProjectName], which represents the Managed BOM project name parameter.

The application’s Default Release name setting also accepts text and any Parameter entries associated with the BOM, as accessed through the Edit window when opened from the Projects page. The example below uses additional text, a custom State parameter (manually added to the BOM project), and the source parameter added by the system if the BOM data has been uploaded - as opposed to created from a PCB Project.

Working with Releases

Select the Releases tab view to access a tiled list of the current BOM Release entries.

Each Release revision's tile includes the following command options:

  • – Open the Release for read-only viewing in a new browser tab.

  • Download – Save the Release to the default browser location.

  • Change Lifecycle State – Progress or revert the Release's Lifecycle state through Draft, Approved, and Obsolete stages. These Lifecycle states are defined by the Generic Lifecycle definition, which is applied to the Managed BOM content type by default – see Lifecycle definition's Content Types.

  • Revert to This Release – Change the current working BOM data to the content in this Release.

  • Compare to – Perform a data comparison between the currently selected Release and another specified Release. See BOM Compare below.

Releases that have an Obsolete Lifecycle state are hidden by default. Toggle the Show Hidden Releases option to display/hide these Releases.

Note that the BOM Portal automatically creates an initial release when the Managed BOM is first created – uploaded or generated from a Project – followed by a second release generated after the automated (or manually guided) mapping is complete.

BOM Compare Copy Link Copied

The BOM Portal features an advanced comparison engine that allows you to quickly compare the essential changes between BOM Releases or different Managed BOM files.

When selected BOM files or releases are compared, BOM parameter data is interpreted into standardized column groups and then compared in a dedicated BOM differences view that opens in a new browser tab. The view is populated with a list of color-coded entries that represent BOM items that have changed between the compared BOM datasets. Along with the comparison view, you also can view the two individual BOM datasets that are being compared.

Comparison Access

The BOM Portal's BOM comparison feature is available from a Managed BOM's Main or Releases view, and allows for data comparisons between BOM relaeases, WIP BOM documents, and specified projects or their releases:

  • Compare BOM Releases – Individual Managed BOM Releases are compared from an opened Managed BOM document (Main View) or within the Releases view itself.

    • In the Releases tab view, select the Compare option from a Release tile’s menu and then choose another listed Release entry, the current WIP version (Latest Version), or a specified BOM data source (BOM Sources, see below) to compare against.

    • In the main BOM view, use the Compare option from the view’s menu (at the top) to compare a selected Release entry or a specified BOM data source (BOM Sources, see below) to the current BOM version.

    • If the current BOM was generated from a design project, an additional Source Design BOM – latest ver option is available. This represents the source design project’s BOM data in its current (WIP) state, which will be compared to the selected Managed BOM or Release.

  • Compare to a specified data source – The BOM Portal’s data comparison feature allows the current Managed BOM or one its Releases (as selected above) to be compared to a specified BOM data source by choosing the BOM Sources option. In the Select BOM Sources to Compare window that follows, you can select a specific data source from types as shown below:

Managed BOM – data from an existing WIP BOM document (as was uploaded, or generated from a design project).

Managed BOM Release – data from a particular BOM Release snapshot.

Design Project – BOM data derived directly from a design project’s source files.

Design Project Release – BOM data extracted from a design project’s formalized Release files.

Comparison Result

Related information: Design Data BOM Comparisons

The BOM comparison engine detects differences between the two BOM datasets using normalized parameter categories. If your source BOM contains mapped parameters such as RefDes and MPN, for example, these will be shown as Designator and Manufacturer Part Number respectively.

The BOM Compare view is populated with a list of color-coded entries that represent BOM line elements that have changed between the specified BOM datasets. Along with the Compare tab at the top of the list are source tabs that open each of the BOM datasets used for the comparison. You can directly navigate to these source files using the active links at the top left of the page.

Comparison results for two BOM Release entries, and comparison results for two Managed BOM files.Comparison results for two BOM Release entries, and comparison results for two Managed BOM files.

Other BOM Compare view features include:

  • Pop-up differences summary information when hovering over the status icon at the right of a BOM line ( ).

  • Pop-up information on who created a source dataset (and when) as you hover over a comparison source file reference.

  • Selectable difference types (Added, Removed, etc) in the BOM Compare pane under Components.

  • Detailed differences information in the BOM Compare pane under Modified Components.

  • A text-based search feature for locating specific keywords in the comparison list entries ().

  • A downloadable CSV file-based summary of the currently shown BOM differences ().

Use the upper view tabs to select between the source datasets and comparison results, and the list controls in the BOM Compare pane on the left to select/deselect which item change categories are included in the comparison results (Added, Removed, Modified, and Not Modified).

BOM Sharing Copy Link Copied

The current working BOM can be shared with Edit or View permissions to other Workspace members, or those outside of your Workspace, through the button.

In the Share Item window, select the Share Item With field to access and select from a list of Workspace members and user Groups. Specify the Can View option if you wish to restrict a user's (or Group's) access to the BOM as read-only. For a user outside of your Workspace, a confirmation window will appear to show how and with whom the sharing will apply – see Sharing Overview for more information. Those outside of your Workspace will have Guest-level read-only access to the shared BOM through their own Workspace or Personal Space.

Note that the default Can Edit sharing for Workspace Members will overrule any specific member sharing you apply – in this case the Workspace Members group (all members) should be set to No Access.

Use the Workspace Sharing feature to specify the user members that will have access to a BOM entry, and with what permissions.

See Sharing a Project for detailed information on sharing in an Altium 365 Workspace.

Consolidated BOM Copy Link Copied

Main page: Consolidated BOM

The BOM Portal also offers a set of advanced procurement-orientated capabilities through the Consolidated BOM feature, which allows multiple BOMs and/or Release packages to be combined in a single order-ready BOM document.

A Consolidated BOM automatically combines identical components to create a system BOM for multiple PCBs, which can be adjusted for individual or overall order quantity, and similar but equivalent parts manually combined (consolidated) as one purchasable part. The resulting BOM order document is easily optimized for bulk ordering that makes use of advantageous order price breaks.

  • The Consolidated BOM feature is available when the BOM Portal application is enabled for your Workspace.

  • If using the Altium BOM Editor to work with BOM documents, any existing Consolidated BOM documents are read-only.

A procurement-orientated Consolidated BOM document supports multiple BOM data sources and the ability to conbine equivalent components and manipulate purchase quantities. A procurement-orientated Consolidated BOM document supports multiple BOM data sources and the ability to conbine equivalent components and manipulate purchase quantities.

A new Consolidated BOM is created from the Create Consolidated BOM option () by adding multiple Design Projects, Managed BOM, or their Releases in the feature’s Select BOM sources to Consolidate window.

See the Consolidated BOM page for detailed information.

To select BOM data sources, expand the hierarchy of available Design Projects, Managed BOMs and Releases in the Select BOM sources to Consolidate window, enable their corresponding check boxes as required and then click the Save button to confirm. To select BOM data sources, expand the hierarchy of available Design Projects, Managed BOMs and Releases in the Select BOM sources to Consolidate window, enable their corresponding check boxes as required and then click the Save button to confirm.


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