Портал требований и систем Altium 365


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The Requirements & Systems Portal application is paid functionality. To access this feature, contact Altium using the form on the Requirements & Systems Portal page of the altium365.com website.

The Altium 365 Requirements & Systems Portal application is a collaborative tool that helps you to derive product requirements from high-level needs, design your system taking into account physics calculations, automatically and continuously verify your product, and let engineers of all disciplines review and converge on optimal solutions in agile engineering cycles. It allows you and your team to work more efficiently when building complex hardware such as satellites, power plants, or autonomous vehicles, etc.

In a product cycle, there are various software tools such as ERP and PLM which aid in product development. The Requirements & Systems Portal application acts as your central requirements and systems engineering tool, with an AI-assisted and Data-Driven Systems Engineering (DDSE) approach. The Requirements & Systems Portal application can be used in different parts of the project to streamline your entire engineering process, from requirements definitions to system design, verification and validation. This integration is shown in the image below:

Integration of the Requirements & Systems Portal application (shown here as 'RSP') into the wider product development process.

Key reasons (and benefits) to using the Requirements & Systems Portal application:

  • Your current engineering calculations are done in isolated Excel Sheets which are not connected.

  • You want to solve an engineering problem and be able to track and trace the history, and also share your work.

  • Your team needs Central Data Storage with always up-to-date values.

  • You want to be notified automatically when someone changes a design value that will impact your product's requirements.

  • You wish to track every parent and child requirement of the system and make sure that they are verified at the end of the product cycle.

  • You want to engage the help of AI to write, improve, breakdown, and find inconsistencies in your requirements.

The Requirements & Systems Portal application provides the following features for you and your team:


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Набор доступных функций зависит от вашего уровня доступа к продуктам Altium. Если вы не видите в своем ПО функцию, описанную здесь, свяжитесь с отделом продаж Altium, чтобы узнать больше.
