Features Explained


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Within the Requirements and Systems Portal, we have seven different modules which let users perform starting from the requirement definition and system design to the testing of your system. Each module has its own characteristics and helps you with the design, simulations, testing and verification of your system. The modules that we currently have on Requirements and Systems Portal are the following:

(P.S. the description below is aimed to provide you with a sneak peek of what each module entails. To get a deeper understanding, go to the respective module by clicking on the link below)

  • Project Module: the Project Module in Requirements and Systems Portal is the place where you can manage your project, add your teammates, manage access, and find the discussions, notifications, tasks and the project timeline in a single place. This is usually the first step that you might want to set up before moving ahead with the other modules.

  • System Design Module: The system Design Module is where you can add, modify, and manage all your blocks. blocks are elements of your final product (the element can be a physical part such as a structure or a logical part such as orbit, operations, etc.) that are represented with hierarchical relationships in a component tree. You can add subblocks to blocks and modify them accordingly.

  • Requirements Module: the Requirements Module allows you to add, modify, manage and verify all your requirements in a single place. The requirements can be further grouped into specifications that could be related, for example to stakeholder needs, organizational needs, regulations, system specifications or design specifications, etc.

  • Analyses Module: the Analyses Module is the smart documentation which can be used to create and save all your documents containing texts, graphs, budgets, charts, etc in one single place. Whenever any Vali is changed within the blocks Module, the changes are automatically reflected in the Analysis documents. The documentation can also be done in a tabular form by using the tab “Table views”.

  • Scripting Module : the Scripting Module allows you to do complex calculations that might be required for your project. It works on Octave engine (which is an open-source MATLAB tool) or python engine where you can link properties as inputs and outputs to a calculation program written in Octave or python.

  • Tests Module - Introduction & Setting up: one of the major recent additions to the Requirements and Systems Portal tool is the Tests Module. Every mission/project/system has a list of standard and non-standard tests that it needs to qualify to prove its feasibility. The Tests Module allows you to add all the steps of a test in a detailed manner. This ensures that all the required testing methods are located in a single place and the results can be concurrently shared with the team. The requirements can be referred to the test step to verify if they are being fulfilled.

We hope that the above summary helped you to get excited about using Requirements and Systems Portal. Now let’s deep dive into each of these modules one by one.



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